Utility Usage Examples

Videos are also available on the Think Ubiquitous YouTube channel.


We love finding the technical aspects of everyday activities. In this case we're changing the way runners find a race - based on their interests, goals, and timelines. This app features a streamlined approach to finding, registering for races, lining up customized coaching, and assuring that you have the right gear for training and racing!


AbqTrips - interactive travel information

Where does Albuquerque government travel? This visualization utilizes the Travel Summary Report for the City of Albuquerque. Destinations are mapped with arcs colored according to the number of trips taken to each destination. Summarized in interactive (hover mouse over to highlight all trips during an instance) information blocks below are: Number of trips taken for each year Number of trips taken each month The top 8 travelers with their respective number of trips taken and total expense The top 8 departments and the number of trips taken by given department.


Self-Drawing Map of the Colorado Rockies

In a whimsical style, this self-drawing map takes a Harry-Potter styling to draw the ranges and rivers of a geographically-correct Rocky Mountains. We love maps: scientific, serious, and playful!


Albuquerque building permits by data & valuation

This visualization shows building permit locations throughout Albuquerque, NM from 2009-2019. Over 30,000 permits are recorded, indicated by the yellow circles. The size of the circle represents the valuation of each permit, and the date of issue controls when the marker appears.


US Metro Surface Water Source Areas

Where does your water come from? Here I took 25 major US cities/metro areas and mapped out the drainage basin and river networks that supply the surface water component of municipal water for these cities, and made this map interactive by city.

You'll note the huge differences in drainage network area between many western metros as compared to some northeastern cities. Also note that many Florida rely nearly solely on groundwater and have essentially no surface water collection.


Swallows & Bug Population changes

This video shows bird nest locations and bug population density over a red-scaled NDVI background over the summer of 2018.

This data set is part of a larger set from a private reserve-research ranch in Montana, USA.


Interactive Water Chemistry Data

Groundwater chemistry data is displayed in a both a map view with (hypthetical) well locations as well as in a Stiff Diagram. This approach makes water data visible and increases usability and interactivity. These chemistry points change over time as new data is automatically added, creating a visual historical record of groundwater quality changes.


Tellus Data Platform - Interactive Map

This map shows interactivity between many different data layers that can be clicked on and off. The challenge in this is dealing with large static and complex data sets: Our goal is to maintain web page responsively during navigation while still handling over 26 layers of variably complex data for a region.


Water Well Echo Mobile App

The Water Well Echo utility app provides easy-to-use groundwater water level measurement using just your cell phone. Data collection, processing, and visualization tools give you information on your groundwater levels and provides information so you can best understand your groundwater resource availability and trends.

We are growing our active groundwater monitoring community as we refine our new technology. For more information and to sign up to test and participate, visit Water Well Echo website.